An R package to carry out the Johnson-Neyman Technique for ANCOVA data. Find areas of non-significant slope differences.


You can install the most recent version directly from github using install_github() from the remotes package.


Note that if you are using Windows, you might first need to install Rtools.


D’Alonzo KT. 2004. The Johnson-Neyman Procedure as an alternative to ANCOVA. Western Journal of Nursing Research 26:804-812.

Hunka S, Leighton J (1997) Defining Johnson-Neyman regions of significance in three-covariate ANCOVA using Mathematica. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 22: 361-387.

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Koenker RH, Hansen CW. 1942. Steps for the application of the Johnson-Neyman Technique: A sample analysis. Journal of Experimental Education 10:164-173.

White CR (2003) Allometric analysis beyond heterogenous regression slopes: Use of the Johnson-Neyman Technique in comparative biology. Physiol Biochem Zool 76: 135-140.


White CR (2003) The influence of foraging mode and arid adaptation on the basal metabolic rates of burrowing mammals. Physiol Biochem Zool 76: 122-134.


Lavin SR, Karasov WH, Ives AR, Middleton KM, Garland T, Jr (2008) Morphometrics of the avian small intestine compared with that of nonflying mammals: A phylogenetic approach. Physiol Biochem Zool 81: 526-550.
